How to Increase Leads and Revenue through

Lead Generation for Real Estate Investors

The real estate investment industry has always been competitive, especially with how the market has performed over the last few years. So as a real estate investor, you need creative ways to capture leads, or you’ll be left in the dust by other investors, finding sales or locating buyers long after they’re under contract.

Years ago, real estate investments were by word-of-mouth, and it worked. Today, there’s something much faster — the internet. Before word gets out about properties for sale or potential cash buyers looking for properties, they are already online and receiving attention. You could lose great investments if you lag even for a few hours.

With real estate investors lead generation, the leads come to YOU! So say goodbye to the days of driving for dollars and hoping you seal the deal or cold-calling cash buyers. Instead, reclaim your time and make higher profits with real estate investors’ lead generation.

Lead generation for real estate investors is the LAST step in your digital marketing strategy. It puts all the hard work you put in to obtain organic traffic to work.

What good does it do to have a lot of traffic if they don’t know what to do after reaching your site or if you can’t capture their information?

The right real estate investor lead generation strategies will ensure your leads know what to do and that you time your offers when they are most likely to say ‘yes.’

Get A Proposal

Turn leads into customers and get started today. We’ve partnered with finance and real estate brands around the globe with digital marketing campaigns, including SEO, content creation, lead generation, and beyond. Get results with the pros in your niche – we’re not a generic agency that works with everyone.

What Does Our Lead Generation for
Real Estate Investors Include?

At SJ Digital Solutions, we’re proud to help real estate investors make the most of their organic traffic with DFY lead generation for real estate investors.

Why let your massive organic traffic leads go to your competitors? You put in the hard work or investment to get the traffic, but you must capture their information to develop a relationship and convert leads into sales.

Our lead generation for real estate investor services includes guiding your audience to the next steps. We’ll create completely customized solutions tailored to your company that get your audience acting, whether providing email addresses, answering quizzes or calling you to conduct business.

lead generation strategies for real estate investors
real estate investors lead generation strategies

With SJ Digital Solutions on your side, you’ll have somewhere for your website traffic to go and a pop-up strategy your audience loves rather than making them run the other way. 

We do the research and know the perfect time and method to push the pop-ups to inform, empower, and encourage your audience.

We’ll also ensure your copy converts. Suddenly, you’ll have organic traffic and quality leads ready to become a part of your customer lifecycle.

See how our site ‘How to FIRE‘ achieved remarkable growth. Check out the full case study here!

Want to see our work in action?

What are the Benefits of Lead Generation for Real Estate Investors?

So what are the benefits of lead generation for real estate? If you already have the traffic, is DFY lead generation for real estate investors necessary?

Here are the top benefits.

Lead Generation Tells Your Audience What to Do

So you have the traffic. Now what? 

If your audience has no clear path to follow, they won’t know what to do. They’ll read your content and move on because there’s nothing in their face telling them what to do next.

Real estate investors’ lead generation is that ‘in your face’ marketing strategy but in the proper manner. It’s not pushy, salesy, or make people feel like they’re being told what to do.

Instead, it’s a gentle guide, letting your audience know what you offer and how they can get it. Sometimes it might be a free offer in exchange for their email address. Other times it might be a quiz to learn more about your audience’s demographics.

Either way, it’s a marketing strategy that fills your pipeline faster by converting readers into leads and potential buyers. 

Creates a Strategy with Proper Timing for Pop-Ups

Pop-ups have a time and place, and at SJ Digital Solutions, we know precisely when that is for each customer.


We’ve done our research and handled our own finance blog to increase leads and convert them to sales.

Plus, our founders are fascinated with analytics. We use the information to make meaningful and timely decisions for our blog and each client’s blog or website.

Pop-ups with a strategy are the key to getting the leads that so far have been outside your reach.

Converts Warm Leads to Clients

Warm leads are people interested in what you offer, but who need some coaxing. In other words, you aren’t picking up the phone and blindly calling people. Instead, these people searched your keywords and landed on your website.

They are interested!

It’s your job to convert them to clients, but as a busy real estate investor, you don’t have time to capture every person that lands on your website.

That’s what real estate investor lead generation strategies are for because they capture the 

lead’s information so you can use your email marketing strategies to turn your leads into clients.

Increases your Email List

Email marketing for real estate investors is impossible without an email list. So while you might get some leads at open houses or other in-person events, you’ll get a much larger email list with lead generation for real estate investors online.

There are numerous ways to do it, and we use the method that’s most successful for your company’s needs. We don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we analyze your company’s needs, what your audience wants, and create the perfect marketing strategy.

Makes you a Leader in the Industry

To be a leader in the industry, you must provide value-added services. But, unfortunately, that’s hard to do when you don’t capture leads.

With lead generation for real estate investors, you’ll get the names, email addresses, and phone numbers. Then, you’ll be able to market directly to those warm leads, showing them that you’re a leader in the industry and care about them.

This is the start of developing a relationship with your leads, showing them what you’re capable of and how you’ll help them.

Real Estate SEO Marketing Strategies

When implementing lead generation on real estate investor websites, the following real estate lead generation strategies are necessary:

  • Strategic plan for all visitors to your website to move them to the next step
  • Targeted keyword research for real estate 
  • Optimized on-page SEO for real estate 
  • Build relationships with your marketing techniques to convert into clients
  • Monitor and analyze your results

Key Factors for Successful Lead Generation for Real Estate Investors

Create Brand Awareness

A digital identity is how your audience gets to know you and your brand. The more familiar you become with your target audience, the easier it is to grow connections and foster relationships. 

To do this, you need a website, a social media page, and potentially a blog.

This is all a part of our content marketing services and is the first step to successful lead generation for real estate investors. 

With your digital presence, you can share your knowledge and offer ways to help your audience further by capturing their information and sending newsletters, emails, and other forms of marketing to turn your audience into clients.

Find your Niche

Marketing to anyone interested in real estate investments is like a retailer marketing to anyone who shops. 

It doesn’t work.

Instead, find your niche.

Think about what market you want to target. 

For example, do you cater to commercial investors, residential, fix and flip, or vacation home rentals? Are you looking for cash buyers or sellers?

Your marketing strategy will differ based on your audience. When you find your niche, you can run the right real estate investors’ lead generation strategies to capture the needed information and convert your audience into clients.

Create Converting Opt-In Offers to Build an Email List

Opt-in offers must be enticing. Give your audience a reason to give up their coveted contact information, such as their email address. Most people don’t just hand it out, just like they wouldn’t give anyone their home address. You must earn it.

Find the offers your audience wants, such as how-to guides, checklists, and tips. Make it something they’ll willingly give their email address to receive, and then keep the sales funnel going to convert them.

Create Optimized Copy

Any copy you make must be optimized, or no one will find it. You worked hard and optimized your website, social media, and blog content to get organic traffic, but now you must keep it going.

This is where optimized lead generation strategies are important. Your pop-up content must be just as optimized as your regular content to keep your audience engaged.

Use A/B Testing

A/B testing is the best way to tell what your target audience wants. For example, you could create two lead magnets, one with a promotional offer and the other with informational content, and determine which performs better. 

Other A/B testing options include offering a timed offer, one with a countdown counter and one without, or you could run the same campaign with different designs and see which performs the best.

The bottom line is that it’s important to test the waters and see which campaign converts the best.

Additional Services We Offer

Our Lead Generation Framework for
Real Estate Investors


SJ Digital Solutions has a vision for real estate investors to help you convert your audience. Increasing organic leads is the first step, but more importantly, you must convert them, and we have the expertise and knowledge to make it happen.

We’ll help you implement the best lead generation for real estate investors so you grow your traffic and turn visitors into clients. We create tailored strategies for each company based on YOUR needs, not anyone else’s because we understand how each real estate investor operates differently.


At SJ Digital Solutions, we offer tailor-made strategies for each company. Our founders have extensive experience in the real estate investment, marketing, and digital technology industries. 

The combination of their expertise provides the best lead generation for real estate investor strategies available today.

Why waste time increasing your organic leads, if you don’t have the strategies in place to convert the traffic? With SJ Digital Solutions, you’ll get top-notch DFY lead generation for real estate investor strategies that help you experience the desired conversions.


The best part about working with SJ Digital Solutions is we do all the work for you. We’ll create the marketing strategy and implement it for you. This means you don’t have to hire more help or worry about how you’ll take on another task in running your business.

We do all the work for lead generation for real estate investors to help increase your lead conversions and ensure you have top-notch marketing strategies.


Without analytics, your lead generation strategies for real estate investors are pointless. The good news is at SJ Digital Solutions, we LOVE data. We evaluate how our strategies work monthly, sharing the data with you and making necessary changes. Digital marketing is always a work in progress, and we adapt to all changes to ensure your marketing strategy is top-notch.

Get A Proposal

Turn leads into customers and get started today. We’ve partnered with finance and real estate brands around the globe with digital marketing campaigns, including SEO, content creation, lead generation, and beyond. Get results with the pros in your niche – we’re not a generic agency that works with everyone.

SJ Digital Solutions Makes Real Estate Investors Visible to Google

Want to see REAL results our clients have experienced using the power of lead generation for real estate investors?

Click HERE!

Still Curious?

Frequently asked questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions we receive from real estate investors when they want to kickstart their SEO Marketing Plan.

A: Lead generation for real estate investors is like a cashier at the grocery store. You can’t walk out of a grocery store without paying, right? The same is true of your real estate investors’ website. 

You can’t make money unless you convert the visitors to your website into leads and eventually clients, and a lead generation strategy for real estate investors is the first step.

A: That’s easy! Contact SJ Digital Solutions! We make it easy to get started with lead generation for real estate investors. Click here to complete our form, and you’ll be on your way to converting organic traffic in no time. 

A:  Investing in lead generation for real estate investors is well worth the money when it’s done right. The key is using an agency with the experience and expertise to convert your traffic to clients. At SJ Digital Solutions, we’re proud to successfully help companies in all industries, including real estate investors, have excellent lead conversion.